Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Years Resolution

Yes, I actually made one.

My resolution for 2011 is to be more than just a student.

Last year I managed to earn three 4.0 GPAs in a row.  Yeah, it's a major accomplishment, but I feel like I haven't accomplished much outside the academic realm.  Proof?  I haven't updated this blog since April, I hardly even got it started before politely setting it on the shelf and ignoring it.

I am more than a student.

I am a granddaughter, I am a daughter, I am a niece, I am a cousin, I am a friend, I am an artist, I am a designer, I am a blogger, I am a photographer, I am a knitter, I am a computer geek, I am so many other things... on top of being a student. 

This year, I resolve to not neglect the rest of my life in the pursuit of good grades.  Reading, crafting, writing, and creativity are worthy of a little extra time and attention.  Employment would be another nice goal, there is no reason I can't get paid for being creative, that's the whole point of getting this education, right?  And socializing, I miss my friends, I miss making friends.  It's just not practical to spend every Friday and Saturday night doing homework and studying.  Also, do you know how long it has been since I turned on my XBox?  I bet it is pretty ticked off at me by this point.

Not everything needs to be put on the back burner to earn A's. 
That is my New Years Resolution.